5 Terrific Turmeric Smoothie Recipes To Spice Up Your Health (We Love #4!)

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

4. Super Anti-Inflammatory Morning Smoothie

Chronic inflammation has been linked to numerous diseases. Turmeric is one of the world’s best anti-inflammatory substances and most of the other ingredients in this recipe also have anti-inflammatory compounds.


  • 1 Cup of Freshly Brewed Green Tea
  • 1 Cup of Organic Blueberries, Cranberries, or Raspberries, Your Choice
  • 1 Tablespoon of Coconut Oil
  • 1 Teaspoon of Flax Seeds or Chia Seeds
  • ½ Teaspoon of Ground Turmeric
  • ½ Teaspoon of Ground Ginger
  • Honey or Stevia to Taste

Put everything into your blender and mix well. Enjoy!

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