6 Unexpected Things Sleeping With A Weighted Blanket Can Do For You!

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Operating at your best can usually be handled through a variety of prescription medications that your doctor would have to prescribe for you. Every medication comes with its own assortment of side effects that you may have to deal with. In addition, do you really want to be on medication for the rest of your life when there are alternate ways that may resolve your problem?

A weighted blanket has been used by professional therapists who deal with people who struggle with stress, anxiety, and chronic insomnia. This product is exactly as it sounds – a blanket that is carefully weighted to provide a certain amount of pressure in specific areas that mimics deep pressure touch stimulation, or DPTS.

Deep pressure touch stimulation is where the amount of pressure that is applied provides a calm feeling and relaxes the person it is being applied to. If the pressure is too light, it will just signal the nervous system where the right amount is soothing the same way that petting your dog or cat makes you feel!

A weighted blanket was developed to provide a form of protection and reassurance to those who are dealing with specific issues. This sense of touch usually alleviates tension and replaces it with a sense of security. Therapist Temple Grandin created a Hug Machine that provides autistic children with the same feeling they would experience if someone were to give them a reassuring hug. It has been proven to greatly reduce the level of anxiety for children who have experienced the Hug Machine over children who have not.

The weighted blankets mold to each individual’s body and the accompanying pressure relaxes the nervous system which in turn releases serotonin which makes you feel good. The blankets are carefully padded with plastic pellets that are sewn in in such a way that the weight of the blanket is evenly distributed.

Here are 6 amazing things you can expect from a weighted blanket.


1. A good night’s sleep

Everyone has one or two nights where they have things on their mind or they may have consumed too much caffeine during the day and they are unable to fall asleep. But when it happens on a regular basis it is considered insomnia and it could lead to more serious problems. A weighted blanket provides you with an environment that is most conducive to sleep. The weighted pressure makes you feel secure and almost swaddled ensuring a warm and cuddly feeling. A study by the Journal of Sleep Medicine and Disorders confirmed in 2015 that weighted blankets made a big difference for those who had issues falling asleep.

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Photo credit: bigstock.com

2. A secure feeling

The weight distribution of the blanket helps to stimulate a person’s receptors which makes them feel relaxed and more secure. When this occurs, the person will feel soothed and their heart rate changes to a calmer rhythm which results in a safe and secure disposition.


3. The feeling that you get when you receive a warm hug from someone

When someone hugs you, your body sends out a hormone called oxytocin throughout your body. This hormone lowers your blood pressure and leaves you feeling deeply relaxed. Even though the human element is missing, the pressure provided by the weighted blanket mimics the same feeling as receiving a warm hug.


4. More focused cognitive functions

Anxiety, insomnia, and depression all interfere with your brain’s cognitive functions. You are unable to think clearly and make intelligent decisions. The calming feeling provided by the weighted blanket helps to put these issues at bay so you are able to focus on the issues at hand and leave your worries behind.

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Photo credit: bigstock.com

Photo credit: bigstock.com

5. A feeling of happiness

When you are in a good mood, your brain is probably producing enough serotonin which is the hormone that makes us happy. It is transmitted to the brain as well as to your nervous system calming your entire body and resulting in a sense of contentment and relaxation. The weighted blanket is able to increase your serotonin levels and help keep your moods even, calm, and happy.


6. Relief for those suffering from various forms of Autism

The effects of the weighted blanket have made great strides in helping children and adults with several development disorders such as Autism, Asperger’s, and Rhett Syndrome. Those who live with these conditions have trouble expressing themselves and tend to become frustrated and sometimes aggressive as a result. Therapists have learned how to drape a weighted blanket over the shoulders of their patients providing an almost instant calming effect.

The premise of a weighted blanket is a simple one but the results are far-reaching. From insomnia to depression, from anxiety to autism, the deep pressure touch simulation that these blankets provide goes a long way to giving patients a sense of calmness and security as well as a period of relief so they can better deal with their specific conditions. Having access to this powerful tool also brings a sense of comfort knowing that help is right at their fingertips.


READ ALSO: 11 Sleeping Habits Of Successful People Infographic


You can check out your local medical supply store to see if they carry weighted blankets or you can check out the Internet. There are online links that feature an assortment of weighted blankets in a variety of materials from fleece to chenille. Look for a company that has experience in this field and knows the importance of proper weight distribution. Most will tell you how to determine the right weight blanket for your needs.


