8 Things You Should NEVER EVER Touch At A Restaurant

Family, mother and father with adult children and daughter

Photo credit: bigstock.com

Do you like eating out? Who doesn’t? You aren’t alone either! One report found that 65 percent of Americans eat out at least once per week. Eating out is fun, social, and gives you a break from kitchen duty, so what’s not to like?

Well, the fact that many restaurants aren’t exactly the most sanitary places for one. Even if they haven’t gone down the Chipotle road of salmonella, there are plenty of other places where germs are living the high life.

Want to know the germiest places in a restaurant? The places you should never touch or that you should at least wash your hands after you handle it? Keep reading! We are going to fill you in on all the dirt … so to speak.


1. The Bathroom

Well, this might seem like a no-brainer, but the bathroom is often a reflection of just how clean the restaurant actually is. If you have to answer Mother Nature’s call or if you plan to wash your hands, see if there is a cleaning schedule posted on the back of the door. You can also use the sniff test — if the bathroom smells dirty, it is. Wash your hands using lots of soap and hot water. Dry your hands with a paper towel, then use the paper towel to open the door. When you return to your table, use some hand sanitizer. Keep in mind, people who are not feeling very well often go into the bathroom to vomit, and not everyone washes their hands. Yuck.


2. The Table

OK, so it’s hard to eat and not touch the table, but one professor of microbiology from the University of Arizona found that there were enough germs (such as E. coli and coliform) on the average restaurant table to make people sick, especially the elderly, young children and those who suffer from a compromised immune system. Oh, and don’t ask your waitress to wipe down the table either; this study also found that those tables were even dirtier since the rag was probably never washed. You can put a napkin down where you rest your arms and avoid touching the tabletop with your fingertips.


3. The Buffet

If you have ever looked at a buffet or salad bar and wondered if it was clean, the answer is a simple NO. There are very few assurances that the food there is being kept as hot or as cold as it should be. Also, any remaining food from one container is simply scooped into a new one, contaminating it as well. Then you need to consider the utensils which are touched by untold numbers of people and are never replaced or washed until the end of the day. So if you think that “all you can eat” buffet sound like a good deal….think twice.


4. The Menus

OK, we admit that it is next to impossible to go to a restaurant and not touch a menu- but that explains why these tend to be the dirtiest things in any restaurant. When you consider how many hands touch every single day, and how often they are washed (never) or replaced (almost never) it’s easy to see why these are so disgustingly dirty. Oh yes, perhaps you have seen the waitress wipe them down with a rag. You remember what that rag did to your table, right? One study found that E. coli can survive on a plastic, laminated menu for 24 hours and salmonella can live for 72 hours! Pay attention to that menu; if you see food on it or if it feels sticky, it is probably loaded with the germs from everyone who has touched that menu in the past 3 days. Wash your hands after ordering and use hand sanitizer when you return to the table.

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One Comment

  1. Rev. Right

    Mar 7, 2016 at 8:13 am

    This is why I haven’t eaten in a fast food joint or restaurant for years,I only eat at home or family member’s homes,it’s healthier and also saves you a lot of money, as all fast food is overpriced and unhealthy.