Best Ways To Unplug From “The Matrix” And Stop Being A Slave To Mainstream Media

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5. Do What Makes You Happy

You know that old saying “Follow your bliss”? It’s cliché, but it’s still true. When we are working within the system, we aren’t doing what we like, we are doing what everyone else is doing: making money to pay living expenses. We’ve been programmed to “get a good job,” even at the expense of our happiness!

Do something you love. Even if you must start out doing it in your spare time. No one expects you to quit your job and let your kids go on food stamps, but when you engage yourself in things you feel passionate about, you will be surprised at how quickly you find ways to make that passion pay off.


6. Feel Gratitude

Feeling gratitude is one of the best and quickest ways to unplug from both the matrix as well as the “victim” tribe. With so many people in the world wondering where their next meal will come from, it’s easy to see how much we have to be grateful for. Every day you open your eyes is something to be grateful for. This doesn’t mean that we should become complacent or remain silent about things that matter and should change for the benefit of all, but we should feel gratitude for what we have, where we are, and for those who truly love us.


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Gratitude is a positive emotion that encodes completely different messages to the electromagnetic field of the heart, which is the biggest one your body produces. Make it strong, keep it powerful, and be grateful for everything good in your life.


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