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Black Super Foods: Black Is the New Green

Photo credit: bigstock
Ok, so everyone knows that green, especially dark green, veggies are the way to go as far as super healthy foods go. But there’s a new kid in town, black super foods. They are absolute powerhouses of nutrition! Their black color comes from anthocyanins, pigments within the plant that can lower your risk of cancer, heart disease, and diabetes.
Ounce for ounce, black foods have a higher level of antioxidants than their lighter colored cousins due to their darker color. If you can’t find some of these dark hued beauties at your local market, your local natural health food store is sure to have them.
Check out our list of the top 6 black super foods.
1. Black Beans
Cornell University did research that showed that the dark skins of black beans are full of bioflavonoids, a very strong plant based nutrient that can protect you against cancer (see more tips how to prevent cancer). They are packed full of protein also, so they are a great choice for vegetarians. But you don’t have to be a vegetarian to get benefits from the protein in black beans. These little black powerhouses have no cholesterol and only trace amounts of saturated fat. Pair rice with black beans and you have a great meal as they provide you will all the essential amino acids that your body needs. Black beans also have iron, calcium, potassium, and potassium. Don’t forget their high fiber content either. These little beauties have it all!
2. Black Soybeans
Kick edamame to the curb, here come black soybeans. A study performed in Korea found that black soybeans greatly reduce the risk of developing a type of life threatening blood clot known as thrombosis. Green and yellow soybeans can’t do that! Black soybeans are high in many phytonutrients including vitamin K, iron, copper, magnesium, riboflavin, and manganese. Low in cabs, yet high in fiber, they also have super antioxidant properties. They don’t taste quite as soybean-ish as the yellow variety do. Many people say they taste more like black beans, but they don’t have the carb content, so for those on a low carb diet, black soybeans are the answer to your prayers. Use these anywhere you would beans such as bean soup, refried beans, or chili.
3. Black Tea
Most of thing of green tea when it comes to healthy drinks, but good old fashioned black tea has plenty of benefits to offer. Rutgers University in New Jersey did a study that showed that the theaflavins in black tea, which are high in antioxidants, can help you recover from the typical muscle soreness you get after a hard workout session. Black tea can also reduce your risk of having a heart attack (see how to prevent heart disease) . So you don’t always have to think green when it comes to your tea; black is also a great way to go!
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Rowie Truth
Aug 20, 2017 at 2:10 pm
1. Black Beans:
”These little black powerhouses have no cholesterol and only trace amounts of saturated fat.”
I am sorry, but I mean this in a loving way, this is DISINFORMATION and OUTDATED.
Everyone today EXCEPT doctors and nutrition specialists believe this to be true. Cholesterol is a HEALTHY very benefitial fat the the body makes itself. Cholesterol from food is hardly absorbed, and only in quantities it needs. The egg is infamously known for it’s cholesterol, but did you know that eating 10 eggs a day does not raise cholesterol?
Second why is saturated plantfat bad???? Is coconut oil bad? Is avocado fat bad? Get out of here. The true horror fat is hydrogenated vegetable oils that contain carcinogenic transfats!! Not saturated fats in vegetables. This is a lie from the sixties darkages. I am sorry but I have no respect who puts out lies to people who come here with questions. Do you know that real cream butter is extremely healthy? There are bad animal fats, but they are hardly food anyway, like hotdog, reclaimed meats, and the white fat under the skin. But fats between the organs and dairy and from meat is healthy. Be sure to buy grassfed beef instead of grain /corn fed no daylight cows.
Full article: https://naturalon.com/black-super-foods-black-is-the-new-green/view-all/#ixzz4qJtP1jpi