Could This One Thing be the Cause of Your Depression?

Tipped over bottle of Magnesium vitamins

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9. Magnesium

Along with vitamin D, magnesium is another nutrient that many people are deficient in; as much as 50 percent of us, according to some studies. This is because magnesium is difficult for the body to absorb and American’s overconsumption of sugar, salt, caffeine, and alcohol depletes the body’s magnesium reserves. This mineral is the best mineral for fighting the constant damage caused by chronic stress. Adult males should be consuming about 400mg each day and women about 320mg each day. Find out ways to boost your magnesium level.


10. Iodine

Your thyroid cannot function without iodine, it’s a fact of life, and our thyroids control just about every single system in the body including; temperature, energy levels, immune system function, brain function, and metabolism. When you have insufficient quantities of iodine, your thyroid will not work properly and this leads to numerous symptoms, including feelings of depression.


SEE ALSO: Natural Ways to Overcome Your Depression Naturally


11. Folate

If you have been consuming antidepressants but they aren’t working as they should, your entire problem could be a lack of folates in your diet. Folates lessen the effectiveness of prescription antidepressant drugs and in fact, many psychiatrists now prescribe folates in addition to their antidepressant pills. A lack of folates in your diet will also have you feeling as if you are depressed, so you should consider this first. Folates can be found in dark leafy greens, such as spinach, beans, citrus fruits, and legumes. Average adults need about 400mg every single day.

You should note that some nutrients have their upper limits as well and that some supplements can interfere or interact with prescription drugs, so always consult with your doctor before you begin consuming any type of herb, vitamin, or mineral supplements.


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