Why You Should Give Egg Face Masks A Try

Photo credit: bigstockphoto.com

Natural based products are all the rage these days, with companies constantly seeking to promote the natural ingredients in their newest releases, such as coconut oil, silk extracts, and nut butters among a plethora of others. But why fork out some serious dough on products with mere ‘extracts’ of natural substances when you could make your own homemade products for a fraction of the price? Introducing, egg face masks! Yep, you read that correctly. The humble egg is an amazing food substance for the skin, and for a number of reasons:

  • They are a source of essential amino acids, which are used to generate new proteins within your skin cells. These include collagen and elastin which are especially good for promoting younger, firmer looking skin.
  • They are full of vitamin A, the key nutrient for new cell development and with brand new cells comes fresher, glowing skin.
  • Eggs contain antioxidants such as lutein and zeaxanthin which work to seriously boost your skin’s UV defences and so reducing fine lines, wrinkles and sunspots cause by sun damage
  • The yolk, which is the nutritional powerhouse of the egg, is full of lipids, fatty acids which are amazing for retaining moisture in the skin and in the hair. Boom!

Given the huge protein and antioxidant content, egg mask facials are best for those among us who are concerned about the effects of aging.  Products that slow down these effects are often very expensive and they don’t necessarily even produce noticeable results. But even consuming eggs as part of a varied diet is a sure-fire way to improve the firmness, softness and hydration of the skin and many of the masks are great for other skin goals, too!

Egg face masks are not only super cheap to create but also easy and you can be sure that they do not contain any nasty chemicals whose names you can’t even pronounce! Next is a list of our top favorite eggy face mask recipes and their ingredients as well as their particular benefits.


Calming face mask


  • 1 egg white
  • Juice of ½ a lemon

Yep, this first one is that simple in terms of ingredients! This mask is perfect for those suffering with greasy, oily skin prone to outbreaks that just won’t seem to clear up. The lemon has potent antibacterial properties and is a natural source of vitamin C, which nourishes skin cells. Not only that but it brightens and exfoliates skin – exactly what you need if you’ve got this skin type!


Take only the white of the egg and beat it until fluffy. Add the lemon juice then apply the mask to the skin, leaving on for 30 mins (avoid eye and mouth areas as always!). Then, gently rinse with warm water, slather on your favorite moisturizer and voila!


RELATED: Why you should give egg face masks a try


Hydrating face mask


  • 1 egg white
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 1 teaspoon of extra-virgin coconut oil


This egg facial mask is sure to deeply nourish and hydrate naturally dry skin, or perhaps skin dried out by the sun or weather. First, whisk the egg white until fluffy. Then, add the coconut oil and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients thoroughly and apply to the skin (a good applicator is a cosmetic brush for foundation or similar) in a thin layer. Allow to dry for 15 minutes or so  for your skin to soak up all the moisture and goodness. Finally, wash off with warm water. If used a couple of times a week, this mask will noticeably tone, firm and moisturize your skin, with immediate noticeable results from the first time.

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