Hospitals Are More Dangerous Now Than Ever Before

Male patient with doctor and nurse at reception desk in hospital

Photo credit: bigstock

Obviously anytime that you don’t have to go to a hospital is a good thing, but this is true today more than ever before. The threats to our health grow every day and places that we used to think of as safe have become crowded contaminated halls of death.

Conventional medicine in America is dangerous, expensive, and anything but natural. The United States not only has the most expensive health care system in the world, but it ranks dead last among quality of care among other industrialized nations. It’s obvious that the American medical system is bloated, out of control, and on the verge of explosion.

On top of this, under the pretense of making health care more “affordable”, House Republicans just this week are debating a measure that would make it extremely difficult for those who have been injured, by doctors or hospitals, to sue them for malpractice. This debate comes one day after the journal Health Affairs released a study that showed that medical errors are far more common than you ever imagined.

Just ten years ago, the Institute of Medicine stated that 98,000 people died every year due to medical errors that were preventable. The Health Affairs reports now that the number is much higher. How much higher? Well, we really will never know the exact amount because the data about these errors is collected via a voluntary reporting system. How many hospitals or doctors do you know that are willing to voluntarily admit that they made a mistake?

These researchers began tracking errors at just three hospitals to try to find out just how often these errors take place. During their investigation they found out that this voluntary reposting system missed 90 percent of the mistakes that took place at these 3 hospitals. This means that 1 out of every 3 admissions to hospitals resulted in a mistake of some kind. This is some scary stuff friends. The 10 most common errors in these hospitals made up about two thirds of all the events. These events included post operation infections and bed sores, things that don’t need rocket scientists to fix. These errors end up costing everyone more than 17 billion dollars every single year. Think about that. 17 billion dollars a year from things can easily be prevented. Maybe House Republicans who want to lower health care spending should look more at what is the cause of these hospital errors, rather than focusing on the patients who suffered needlessly because of them. Read also 12 great reasons why you have a home birth.

As if the dollar figure isn’t bad enough, recent research shows that more than 210,000 lives are lost every single year due to these preventable errors. If you add to this number the lives lost due to omission errors, failures to follow basic health guidelines, and diagnostic errors, this number can climb as high as 440,000 deaths each year. In fact, these mistakes are the third leading cause of death in the United States, right after cancer and heart disease.

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