Life After Antibiotics: 5 Ways to Restore Your Digestive Health

Several types of white sugar - refined sugar and granulated sugar

Photo credit: bigstock

 3.  Avoid Sugar

Processed sugar, we mean. Bad bacteria, Candida, as well as cancer cells, feed off sugar. This means you should avoid all processed foods, sodas, heavy starches, and artificial anything (Read more about foods that hide sugar). Pure stevia is alright, as are a few of the more natural sugars such as raw honey, fruit, and coconut and date sugar. However, it’s better if you can even avoid those for a few weeks after you finish your course of antibiotics. This is the time to eat as perfect a diet as you possibly can.


4. Eat Fermented Foods

This means it’s time to eat plenty of those homemade dishes like sauerkraut, kombucha, coconut kefir, kimchi, sour cream, chutneys, buttermilk, and pickles. These types of fermented foods provide live bacteria right into your gut directly, along with some much needed enzymes. Supplements can help, too, but the acid in our stomachs kill most supplements, so it’s better to eat the whole food, rather than rely on supplements.


SEE ALSO: 7 Amazing Foods that Do Wonderful Things for Your Digestion

5.  Eat Probiotics

This is a great way to help repopulate your digestive system with good bacteria. Probiotics are foods or supplements that are filled with beneficial bacteria. Most people get these through yogurt. Don’t choose the sugar and fruit filled commercial types of yogurt, as it can do you more harm than good.  Make your own probiotic yogurt at home in a yogurt maker or be sure you are buying no sugar added, healthy probiotic filled yogurt. Again, our stomach acid tends to kill off a lot of these good bacteria, so be sure to eat plenty of them.

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