Never Heard of Spirulina? 10 Reasons You Should be Taking it Every Day!

Spirulina powder

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You probably haven’t heard as much about spirulina as you have some of the other super foods that are regularly talked about but it’s such an outstanding one that you simply can’t leave it out of your diet! Spirulina is a very special kind of natural algae that has so many nutrients you simply can’t ignore it. When properly harvested from non-polluted bodies of water it’s one of the most powerful sources of nutrients around. Here is a list of the top 10 reasons you need to add this true super food into your daily meal plans.


1. Fights Infection

Spirulina has been shown to increase the number of anti-bodies that fight diseases in the body. Spirulina is almost 70 per cent protein so it increases your body’s natural production of white blood cells, which are the ones that fight infection and diseases.


2. Effective Against Anemia

Author Paul Pitchford explains in his book how spirulina and other types of algae can increase the body’s production of red blood cells, especially when taken along with vitamin B12.


3. Can Promote Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight spirulina may help you lose weight as it assists with the growth of lean muscle in the body. Find out 10 reasons why you can’t lose weight.


4. Lowers Cholesterol

In one study done in Japan in 1988 it was found that spirulina lowered cholesterol levels as it removed one of the underlying problems; inflammation.


5. Mood Improver

Many people who start taking spirulina say that they notice big improvements in their mood and mental health. Spirulina has high levels of L-tryptophan, an amino acid which produces melatonin and serotonin. These two chemicals improve your mood, making you feel calmer and happier. Read more how to naturally treat depression.

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6. Beautifies Skin and Hair

Due to its high levels anti-oxidants and fatty acids, many people find that it slows hair loss as well as makes it beautiful and shiny. Spirulina can help your largest organ, your skin, from the inside out. Spirulina can improve your skin health as well as its tone.


7. Purifies the Blood

Since spirulina is high in chlorophyll and phycocyanin, this makes it a strong purifier of the blood. These two nutrients encourage cells to grow as they revitalize the blood.


8. Removes Metals from the Body

Spirulina removes not only heavy metals from the body, but it detoxifies the cells of a multitude of toxins. Spirulina can remove toxins such as arsenic, mercury, environmental carcinogens, and radiation. Spirulina can also help in transporting important nutrients over the blood-brain barrier.


9. Improves the Immune System

Spirulina contains 8 essential amino acids and as much as 10 other non-essential amino acids, along with dozens of minerals, B vitamins and fatty acids, there is no match for spirulina ability to improve and assist the body’s immune system.


10. Prevents Allergic Reactions

The Journal of Medicinal Food found in a study done in 2005 that spirulina effectively helped those who suffered from allergic rhinitis, more commonly known as hay fever. Regular doses of spirulina can help relieve most of the annoying symptoms allergy sufferers’ experience.

