That Annual Flu Shot Might Be Putting Your Brain at Risk

Doctor injecting vaccine to senior woman

Photo credit: bigstock

Another common vaccine ingredient, aluminum, has also been linked to dementia. The American Journal of Epidemiology published a study in 2009 finding that subjects with the highest levels of aluminum in their drinking water also had the highest risk of developing dementia. Numerous other clinical studies have also directly linked aluminum to brain damage.

You can also find both mercury and aluminum in the environment due to contamination from industrial sources, such as coal burning power plants. Dental fillings are also a common source of mercury.

It’s interesting to note that more than 40 percent of Americans chose to get a flu shot last year — this trend has been increasing year after year, despite evidence that flu shots are not very effective and cause far more harm than good.

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention stated that about eight million more people opted for a flu shot in 2010 than in 2009, the most people ever vaccinated. This is mainly due to the massive marketing campaign that has been running in the U.S. and encouraging almost every human being over the age of six months to get a flu shot.

Although the CDC states that a flu shot is the best way to avoid the flu, what they don’t say is that there is NO scientific evidence that proves its overall safety or effectiveness.

This is especially true for those people who, according to the CDC, are at highest risk and need the flu shot most: Seniors, pregnant women, and children.

The Cochrane Database Review has concluded again and again that flu vaccines do not appear to provide measurable benefits for anyone, let alone the target group.

In 2014, the Cochrane group reviewed all the available scientific evidence about flu shots protecting the elderly and found that the actual results were terrible. The authors of this review stated that the available evidence provided no guidance regarding the effectiveness of flu vaccines for those over the age of 65.

The same scientific reviewers also looked into whether or not health care workers helped protect the elderly in nursing homes. The research did not find any effect whatsoever from the vaccinations on confirmed cases of influenza.

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  1. Marge Mullen

    Nov 10, 2015 at 12:47 pm

    VacHUcine Manufacturers are shielded from liability for their poisonous drugs called vaccines. Vaccination requires informed consent from patients. Forced vaccinations are a violation of the first Amendment to the American Constitution. Americans shouldcarry a card which states that if they are vaccinated without their consent the allopathic quack who performs this will be held criminally and civilly liable for VIOLATION OF THE INTEGRITY OF THE HUMAN BODY.

    Informedconsent violation is the legal method to open the legal door to sue allopathic criminals who are under the misconception that they can hidebehind the Vaccine Compensation Fraud. a 2013 US Supreme Court decisionin a DUI case acknowledged that an accused did not have to submit to providing a blood sample (without a Court Order). Vaccinations are not mandatory in Canada, but many fraudulent allopathic doctors and others routinely wrongly tell people that their children must be vaccinated as apre-condition to entering school. In US many states have half-baked vaccine exemptions but most people are not aware that in most cases exemptions (religious and/or personal) can be invoked.

    It’stime to prosecute, convict and send allopathic doctors to PRISON FOR THEIR CRIMES AGAINST HUMANITY. The First Amendment and the principle of INFORMED CONSENT trumps the criminal Vaccination “Compensation” legislation. The solution is a class-action by injured victims injured by vaccines or ANY OTHER DRUGS taken against allopathic vaccine surgeons.

    Let’s jail just one allopathic doctor for criminal fraud– 10 more doctors will die from fright and not have to commit suicide.-this will send a strong message to Pig Pharma that their days of medical crimes are numbered. These criminals need to be shown legally that they cannot hide under the skirts of Pig Pharma- and the Vaccine Kangaroo Court. the fFirst Amendment will ultimately prevail. New legislation is not the answer- prisons is.

  2. Kitsy Hahn

    Nov 10, 2015 at 2:16 pm

    Whose annual flu shot? I’ve never had one in my (long!) life.

  3. JennieJ

    Nov 11, 2015 at 2:08 am

    This article is the biggest load of misleading crap I’ve ever read. THe first study mentioned NOTHING about vaccines. As for flu shot ingredients, volume is everything. Read people.

  4. kane

    Nov 16, 2015 at 9:19 am

    Don’t worry, in another week or two NaturalOn will print an article telling us all how great the flu shot is. I’ve never seen a place that prints more contradictions from story to story than this place.

  5. Sergio Kas

    Jan 28, 2018 at 12:26 pm

    Maybe article is correct?