The Importance Of A Natural Organic Diet And Eating Real Food

Photo credit: bigstock

Photo credit: bigstock

If you are looking to fight disease, live a longer, healthier life, and get your body to perform optimally, what you need is to give your body all-natural, organic nutrients via real food. You might be asking, “What is this real food stuff? What have I been eating all this time? Imaginary food?” We get your point, but the truth is, many Americans eat junk, not real food from Mother Earth.

Even professional athletes can make pretty unhealthy food choices and stupid lifestyle decisions. This happens because of peer pressure, and the fact that most times they are very young and feel that they are invincible — “just once won’t hurt.” However, “just once” soon turns into “just on the weekends” and later on, “I can stop anytime I want.”

The typical American diet of fast food, junk foods, high sugar and refined carb foods makes the body more prone to joint deterioration and muscle injuries. Who knows how many talented athletes have had to drop out or had their careers cut due to an unhealthy diet?

Although it is true that, with hours of exercise each day, the damaging effects of poor dietary choices take much longer to show than in a person who spends most of their day behind a desk, sooner or later, poor eating habits will catch up with everyone. Those who take a more natural, whole foods approach to their diet find that it gives them an edge in everything from weekend sports games to working overtime.

The sad thing about America today is that so many people have been raised eating packaged, processed foods that they no longer understand what we mean when we say “real food.”

Let’s take a look at the signs that will tell you that what you are eating is real:

    • It can have variables in quality, taste, color and texture
    • Spoils fairly quickly (between 1 and 7 days)
    • Requires preparation before it can be cooked
    • Was grown without (or minimal) chemicals
    • Has not been genetically altered
    • Contains no antibiotics, growth hormones, or other types of drugs
    • Has no artificial anything
    • Has no chemical preservatives
    • Lived a normal lifestyle before slaughter

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