The Little Known Link Between Cancer and GMO Foods

Gmo Sign

Photo credit: bigstock

How did GMO corn, and other foods, get approval from the FDA and the USDA before any long term studies were done? That, my friends, is the power behind corporate lobbying and greed.

This study caused the vice chairman of the European Parliaments commission for agriculture, and a strong opponent of GMO foods, asked for an immediate suspension of all crops grown in the European Union and to stop the import of GM crops. The consumption of GMO corn and the herbicide, RoundUp, has serious impacts on human health.

GM crops are made to tolerate large quantities of herbicides in order to increase crop yields. One study that involved 8,000 university based field trials showed that farms that grow GM soybeans (called RoundUp Ready Soybeans) use as much as 5 times more herbicides than farms that use more conventional weed control methods.

Even if you were to discount the possibility that GM foods could cause cancer through their genes, there is no doubt that the farming chemicals used to grow these GM crops are enough to poison people. After spraying crops, farmers and farm workers are not allowed to reenter fields for at least 5 days, they are that poisonous. Why would anyone assume, then, that you could eat these same foods, which have this pesticide built into the foods very genes, and not think that it would cause cancer?

Stay away from GM foods as much as possible to avoid becoming a cancer statistic.


Bollinger, Ty. Cancer: Step Outside The Box. 5th ed. USA: Infinity 510 510 Partners, 2011. Print.

Mercola, Joseph, Dr., and Pearsall, Kendra, Dr. Take Control of Your Health. Schaumburg, IL:, 2007. Print.

Murray, Michael, ND., Pizzorno, Joseph, ND., and Pizzorno, Lara, MA, LMT. The Encyclopedia of Healing Foods. New York, NY: Atria Books, 2005. Print.

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