The Many Benefits of Raw Shea Butter and 20 Ways to Use It!


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16. Natural Sunscreen

Although it has a low SPF of about 6, that’s all most of us really need, and it’s completely natural without any chemicals or perfumes for our skin to absorb. Most of us need more vitamin D and sun exposure and adding this to your skin before heading outside will give you some sun protection while still allowing you to take in the full benefits of vitamin D from the sun. Of course we aren’t advocating going outside in the sun for hours and hours, but for 30 minutes or so, this is all the protection you need.


17. Hair Repair

The benefits of shea butter for your hair are simply too long to list here! Use it as a conditioner and your scalp will benefit, which can lead to longer, stronger hair. Shea butter repairs split ends and nourishes dry, brittle hair. You will find that using shea butter rather than those drugstore conditioners will leave your hair shiny but not heavy or greasy. If you use any chemical straighteners or perms, or if you regularly use a blow dryer, curling iron, or straightening iron, you will love the way shea butter puts the moisture back into your hair and repairs the damage that these treatments cause.


18.  Hair Mask

You can replace your daily hair conditioner with shea butter, but using it twice a week as a hair mask will really do wonders for brittle or coarse hair. In fact, regular use of shea butter on your hair will actually help to control excessive oil on the scalp. Shea butter will help put the curl back into your naturally curly hair, without the frizz! Putting shea butter in your hair and scalp, then allowing it to soak in for 30 to 45 minutes under a shower cap will help restore your hair to its naturally beautiful self.


19. Reduce Cellulite

Although there aren’t any studies showing that shea butter can help remove cellulite, many people on the web will tell you that it has worked wonders for their cottage cheese thighs. Rub shea butter into your problem areas twice per day and you should see a difference after about 30 days.


20. Makes Makeup Last Longer

Applying a very small amount of shea butter to your face before you apply your makeup will keep your eye shadow, blush, eyeliner, even your lipstick, from fading away too quickly.


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