The Recipe Everyone Is Using As An Alternative To Chemo

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Now that you have your oil you might be wondering about how to use it. Of course, this varies from person to person, but the average human will take about 90 days to consume 60 grams (60 ml) of oil. Adults can begin with three doses each day. One dose is about the size of a grain of dry rice. Consume three times each day, with the final dose about 1 hour before bedtime. You will probably not feel the effects of your oil for an hour or more after consuming it.

Since your oil is thick, simply place some on the back of your tongue or on the inside of the back teeth and drink a glass of water or herbal tea. Unfortunately, cannabis oil does not taste good, so although you hear some people say that they put it between their gum and cheek and allow it to “melt,” it tastes terrible. Just swallow it and be done with it. If it is easier, you can put the oil in a small square of bread or cheese and swallow it like you would a pill. Your stomach acid will not hurt or dilute the THC.

After 4 or 5 days of this dose, you can increase the dose to the size of a grain of rice. You can continue doubling the size of your dose every 4 or 5 days, depending on how you feel. If you get too “high,” then wait another 48 hours before increasing your dose. Your body will become accustomed to the THC and when consumed slowly in this manner. You might feel good, but you shouldn’t feel “high.”

Of course, no two people are the same, as everyone has different tolerances, but this method works for most people. The point here isn’t to get high all day, but to cure your cancer and still function. This is especially true if you are using this for children. Monitor your children carefully. Although being high won’t hurt anyone, it does make it difficult to get through the day. It also leads to notorious munching. Be certain that you have plenty healthy snacks on hand should you get hit with a case of the “munchies.”

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