The Weird Fruit You Need To Eat More Of!

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2.Help Minimize the Risk of Heart Disease

Cardiovascular diseases are one of the top killers of people in all countries. The good news is that the lovely pomegranate offers a delicious preventative weapon against this all too common problem. The free radical-fighting properties mentioned above contribute to the fruit’s ability to improve heart health and can help lower systolic blood pressure, reducing the risk for stroke. There are other important factors as well, like synthesizing nitric oxide, and lowering low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol levels in the bloodstream. This is the “bad” cholesterol which is a contributing factor in arterial clogging and increased risk of heart attacks.


3. Help Fight Cancer

Pomegranates might actually help fight cancer. A study published in the Molecular Carcinogenesis in 2014 explained how researchers discovered that pomegranate extract had properties which could help stop the spread of breast cancer cells.  Another study performed in 2010 on mice with mammary cancer displayed similar results. The results published in Oncology Reports indicated that pomegranates have “the ability to target and destroy the cancer stem cells within mammary cancer”.

There have been a number of studies regarding the pomegranate’s ability to fight cancer within the context of the stem-cell hypothesis of cancer. One study determined that pomegranate extract was also effective at improving symptoms in men with prostate cancer.


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There’s no downside to adding this unique and delicious fruit to your diet. While pomegranate juice has become more popular, some of the cheaper brands have a lot of added sugars (as do many other types of juice), so make sure it is from a reputable brand. The best way to get the benefits of pomegranate is probably to simply consume it in its’ naturally occurring context: as the arils. Pick one up today and hop on board this delicious superfood bandwagon.


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