These Foods Have One Thing in Common: They Can Stop Strokes!

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Photo credit: bigstock

Raw, organic fruits and vegetables are excellent sources of potassium and this study only goes to prove that eating a plant based diet can greatly decrease your chances of having a stroke.

Researchers also found a link between a high potassium intake and a lower risk of stroke was also much higher for women who had normal blood pressure.

Although this study involved only women, strokes affect both men and women, especially over the age of 55. You don’t have to live in fear of having a stroke, however, as there are plenty of things you can do to lessen your chances such as not smoking, getting regular exercise, and eating a healthy diet rich in organic fruits and vegetables.

About 87 percent of all strokes are called ischemic, which is caused by fatty deposits that stop blood from flowing to the brain. Hemorrhagic strokes are caused by a weak blood vessel in the brain which ruptures and bleeds inside the brain or in the areas surrounding the brain.

Unfortunately, less than 3 percent of American women get sufficient levels of potassium. Women need about 4,700mg of potassium every day and since this important mineral can help the women avoid strokes, it’s vital that women get sufficient amounts.

Just  a few of the foods that are high in potassium are sweet potatoes, white beans, bananas, leafy greens such as spinach, acorn squash, dried apricots, avocados, salmon, yogurt, mushrooms, and white potatoes with the skin.

Eat more potassium rich foods such as the ones listed above. You won’t find much potassium in sodas, candy, or junk foods.


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