This One Spice Can Save And Even Restore Vision (You Won’t Believe It!)

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Researchers from Italy have conducted studies which may have discovered one simple spice that just might be the cure for age-related macular degeneration, the main cause of blindness in those over 60.

Not only did researchers show that saffron could prevent macular degeneration, but it actually reversed vision loss in subjects who had macular degeneration.

The macula is responsible for the central part of our vision, so it makes sense that this part of the eye is found right in the center. Over time, the macula can degenerate. This usually happens slowly, so it usually goes unnoticed for many years but it can happen more quickly, affecting younger persons as well.

When the macular degenerates, it starts to cause a blurry spot directly in the center of the eye. Slowly, this blurriness turns to wavy lines, creating a hole directly in the center of vision. Persons who suffer from macular degeneration are considered to be legally blind even through their peripheral vision remains unaffected. This eye condition is a serious problem as it affects more people than cataracts and glaucoma combined.  Although genetics play a part in the development of this disease, it can be accelerated by other factors, such as smoking.

Those who love Indian food will be happy to know that saffron, that orange-yellow spice that is typically used in Indian food dishes, can help to prevent problems with vision or even cure vision problems that already exist.

When it comes to vision health, most people instantly think “carrots.”  Now that saffron has been shown in studies to protect and repair the eyes, you can feel good about giving in to those cravings for Indian food!

The research team in Italy, composed of scientists from several universities, looked at the effects of the consumption of saffron would have on subjects who had macular degeneration. Subjects were given just 20 mgs of saffron each day. After just three months of consuming saffron, researchers found that those who had early stage macular degeneration had improved functioning of the retinas and these improvements were far better than the placebo group.

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