Top 10 Cancer Fighting Foods

Sauerkraut With Carrot In Wooden Bowl, Garlic, Spices, Cabbage O

Photo credit: bigstock

5. Garlic

The National Cancer Institute issued a statement that admits garlic can reduce the risk of certain types of cancer, especially cancers of the gastrointestinal tract. Well, we knew that already.

Garlic is best eaten raw, chopped up a bit and then swallowed whole within 20 minutes or chopping it, then cooking it within 20 minutes so that the beneficial compound it contains, alllicin, will not be released. So this tasty herb does not only fights minor headaches, stuffy nose, itchy throat, and other symptoms of the cold, as we all have learned by now. Who would have ever thought that “garlic breath” would turn out to be healthy? The compounds that cause that terrible breath are the same ones that stop substances from causing cancer to form in your body. It also helps to repair DNA while it kills off cancer cells.

Garlic will also kill off bacteria, including H. pylori, the one that is thought to cause ulcers and stomach cancer. It also reduces the risk of developing colon cancer.  Cook up some Chinese food tonight and don’t forget to add plenty of organic garlic!

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One Comment

  1. Kevin M. Estis

    Apr 13, 2016 at 12:23 am

    Turmeric has no side effects I hope so, but I saw an article this past week that it has oxylates in it which can lead to kidney stones. Any thoughts on that please?