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Top 10 Foods that will Maximize Your Cancer Risk

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Cancer is perhaps one of the scariest diseases in the world. It doesn’t care what age you are, your gender, race, intellect, or economic status. It can touch anyone, anywhere in the world. It can affect numerous parts of your body or just one. It can move with lightning speed or take many, many years to develop. There are many things we don’t understand about cancer and how it works but there is one thing that has found to be consistent during a multitude of research studies and that is that there are certain factors that will have a dramatic impact on a person’s risk factor.
One of the most important factors is food. Several foods have proven themselves to increase your risk of developing many different types of cancer. You can greatly reduce your risk if you avoid those foods that are known “carcinogens”. If you want to maximize your risk of getting cancer, then continue to eat these top 10 known cancer causing foods. However, if you want to minimize your risk, then avoid these foods like the plague.
1. White Foods and Sugar
These two are together because they are, in many ways, the same thing. Cancer cells develop mainly by feeding on the sugars in your blood. Like all living things, without food, they would starve to death. When you eat lots of carbs and white foods such as bread, rice, and pasta, then you are simply overloading your body with simple carbohydrates that your body turns to sugar. This is why all anti-cancer diets advise you to eat a low carb, low glycemic diet. No refined grains, no white bread, nothing made from white flour or refined foods that are white, such as rice. Avoid sodas, sugar, and especially high fructose corn syrup. Besides starving your tumor and cancers to death avoiding these foods will keep your weight in check and help prevent diabetes by keeping your blood sugar level within a reasonable range. You don’t have to wait until you develop cancer to practice this diet, you can start today, and greatly minimize your risk of developing tumors and cancer to begin with. Find out how to give up sugar in 9 steps.
2. Sodium Nitrate (and all nitrates)
You may not know it, but many food manufacturers add sodium nitrate to their foods deliberately. This well-known carcinogen is added to almost all hot dogs, bacon, processed meat, and any meat that they feel needs more of a red color added to it in order to look more “fresh”.
In days long ago, meats were preserved with salt. However, by the middle of the 20th century, manufacturers began using sodium nitrate as a means of preservation. It’s this carcinogen that gives meat the pink color that most of us are accustomed to.
The truth is it’s not the nitrates themselves that are the problem. Nitrates occur naturally in vegetables. However, during the digestion process, sodium nitrate is converted into nitrosamine and that is really where the problem lies. Nitrosamine is the carcinogen. Nitrosamine can also be found in fried foods, smoked foods, and tobacco smoke. Read labels carefully and avoid meats with sodium nitrates.
3. Hydrogenated Oils
Both hydrogenated and partially hydrogenated oils are another danger, even though they are developed from natural ingredients. The hydrogenation process involves heating these oils with hydrogen and metal catalysts. Although this prolongs the shelf life, it also creates trans-fats. By the way, don’t be fooled by labels. Government rules say that a food containing less than 0.5 grams of trans-fat per serving can be labeled as “trans- fat free.” In order to put these words on their label, manufacturers simply adjust their “serving size” until it meets that 0.5 standard. Now you understand how some “serving sizes” equal about one bite. Trans-fats encourage heart disease, and belly fat as well as being carcinogenic. Your body needs fatty acids and your body is programmed to continue eating until you get them. When you eat trans-fats you never really feel satisfied with your food because your body is still “hungry” for those essential fatty acids.
4. The Acrylamide Aspect
Trans-fats are often created during the process of frying our foods, so let’s talk about acrylamides. For a change, this substance isn’t actually added to foods, it happens during frying. Acrylamides form when starchy foods, such as potatoes, are put under high heat. One study done in Sweden discovered that when rats ate a lot of fried foods, they developed cancer. Although more studies need to be done, this is a fairly good indication that eating large quantities of fried foods, and the acrylamides that form during this process, is most likely a carcinogen. Unlike nitrates, acrylamide doesn’t appear naturally in any foods, although it is found in cigarette smoke. Acrylamide has been found to increase the risk of several types of cancer in lab animals and although it’s difficult to know for certain if these results would apply to humans, it’s always wise to avoid exposing yourself to anything that is known to cause cancer in animals.
5. GMO’s
In case you haven’t heard, GMO’s are genetically modified organisms. These foods have been altered at a genetic level in order to make plants that grow faster, larger, and are more disease resistant than their natural cousins. These foods may look and taste the same, but because they have been changed at their cellular level, they don’t react in the same manner as natural, unaltered foods, once they enter your body. They don’t give your body the nutrition it needs, and no one knows exactly what will happen over the long haul. In lab experiments, mice and rats that are fed diets of GMO corn develop huge reproductive tumors. In the same way cloning animals will give you an animal that looks the same, but genetically isn’t the same, these alterations can cause mutations of our cells once consumed. You might hear people say that there are no human tests to verify these claims and that is not entirely true. WE, the American people, are the experiment, and it’s ongoing right now. Do you really want to be Monsanto’s unknowing “lab rat”?
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6. Non-Organic Foods
By non-organic foods we mean those that are grown in the currently conventional manner; using pesticides, herbicides, fungicides, and chemical fertilizers. When sprayed repeatedly, fruits and vegetables absorb these toxic chemicals into their skin and the meat of the plant. Once inside, they cannot be washed off. If you have ever watched farm workers spraying chemicals in the fields, you will notice that they are covered head to toe in protective gear to avoid exposure to these toxic chemicals. If it’s not safe for farm workers to be exposed to, why are they supposedly safe for us to eat? All these pesticides are known carcinogens and should be avoided at all costs. Consuming these chemicals will dramatically increase your risk of cancer. Always buy high quality, organic fruits and veggies. Also, be sure to buy free range, organic eggs, and grass fed, free range beef and chicken to avoid antibiotics and growth hormones. Find out foods that are not as healthy as you think.
7. Artificial Sweeteners, flavoring, and colors
Artificial flavors, sweeteners, and colors have been proven in multiple scientific studies to cause various cancers, not to mention a wide range of other chronic health problems. Some have gone so far as to call artificial sweeteners the most dangerous chemical on the planet. The artificial sweetener aspartame has come under quite a bit of scrutiny lately, and for good reason. The FDA reports that more than 75 percent of the adverse reactions reports they receive are from aspartame. Also, a huge study published recently involved more than 60,000 women over a 10 year period. This study showed that just two or more servings of aspartame per day increased their risk of heart attack by or stroke by as much as 30 percent, and their risk of getting cancer or other diseases by a whopping 50 percent! Are you still thinking that diet soda is worth it? Read labels and stop consuming this cancer killer in all its forms. Read more about how aspartame linked to premature death in women.
8. Charred Foods
It’s not so much the food that is the cancer causing agent, but rather, it’s the charred or burned part of the food that is the problem. There is something in the process of charring the food that causes carcinogens to be created. Eating the burned or charred portions is what will increase your risk of cancer. The American Cancer Society also states emphatically that eating charred foots, especially meat, increases the risk of pancreatic cancer, among others, as much as an unbelievable 60 percent. This fact has been demonstrated over and over in numerous studies. Researchers discovered that it wasn’t the amount of meat eaten that raised the risk of cancer, but the way the meat was cooked. High temperatures that burn meat seem to cause this carcinogen effect. This doesn’t mean you need to throw out the food, however, simply because parts of it become a little burned. Simply cut off the burned portion and you are good to go.
9. Processed Meats, including Bacon
Virtually all of these meats have sodium nitrates. This includes almost all lunch meats including baloney, hot dogs, bacon, and ham. Bacon is also high in saturated fats, which also is linked to several cancers, especially breast cancer. The World Cancer Research Fund has found that eating processed meats is a direct link to cancer. Have you ever read the label on processed meats? What exactly are the “fillers” that they are using? Maybe we really don’t want to know. Many scientists have stated that they believe processed meats are simply too dangerous to consume in any quantity. Processed meats are loaded with chemicals as well as preservatives, all things that are known carcinogens.A study done in 2005 at the University of Hawaii found that processed meats increase the risk of pancreatic cancer by as much as 67 percent. Limiting your intake of processed meats as well as saturated fats will not only lower your risk of cancer, but your risk of cardiovascular diseases as well.
10. Doughnuts
Donuts look so innocent. Most of them are no bigger than your palm, and although you know they aren’t necessarily good for you, they can’t be that bad, can they? Too many Americans think of donuts as the perfect, easy way to start their day when the truth is, donuts are possibly one of the worst things you could eat. Think of donuts as the land mines in the food farm. They contain almost everything listed above, including sugar, white flour, hydrogenated oil, and acrylamides. If they contain colored sugar frosting or sprinkles then they also include artificial colors and flavors. Store bought donuts contain as much as 40 percent trans-fat, not to mention a minimum of 300 calories; empty calories we might add. Trans-fats raise your bad cholesterol and can cause heart attacks. These are possibly one of the worst foods ever created. Drop your cancer risk another notch by dumping donuts.