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Top 12 Things That Are Killing Your Immune System

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It’s the height of the flu season. Are you prepared? If you are smart you are going to skip that toxic, chemical-laden flu shot and simply boost up your immune system. Many people think, however, that they are doing all the right things to stay fit and healthy, and then are completely shocked when they get hit with a nasty case of the flu.
You might be stomping all your over immune system and not even know it. It’s the little things that often trip us up. Now of course everyone is different. Some people seem born with a super strong immune system and others seem to have to give theirs a little TLC. If you are constantly coming down with every little bug that comes around, if you are tired more than you think you should be, you could have a compromised immune system, even if you think you are eating right and getting regular exercise.
Keep reading and see if you are guilty of stomping all over your immune system with one of these 12 habits and foods that can weaken your first line of defense:
1. Sugar
The average American diet is so loaded with sugar that it’s not surprising that diabetes rates are at an all-time high. It’s true that avoiding all sugar is very difficult, but everyone can drastically reduce their sugar intake with very little work and it can really pay off in a number of ways. Most people find that when they get off that sugar train, they lose weight without trying, and have a great deal more energy. Studies show that consuming even small amounts of sugar greatly reduces your white blood cell count. Your white blood cells are responsible for killing off many pathogens in your body. Read food labels, cook from scratch, and avoid sugar as much as possible for a better immune system starting tomorrow! Find out how to give up sugar in 9 steps.
2. Antibiotics
Although antibiotics can be a life saver on occasion, they should only be taken when absolutely necessary. Avoid factory-farmed meats, as most of these contain antibiotics that, over time, weaken your immune system. Consume plenty of fermented foods, yogurt, and probiotics to increase the population of healthy bacteria in your digestive system.
3. Excessive Alcohol Consumption
You might think that tying one on every weekend is only bad for your liver, but excessive drinking has more disadvantages than you can imagine. For now, let’s just talk about what it can do to your immune system. First, alcohol deprives your body of nutrition, including nutrients that support your immune system. Second, alcohol reduces the number of white blood cells in your body and weakens the ones you do have. Excessive alcohol suppresses the ability of these blood cells to multiply. It also stops their ability to kill off cancer cells. Numerous studies show that one drink does not seem to harm the immune system, more three or more certainly do. Damage to your immune system increases as your alcohol consumption increases. Limit yourself to one drink per day for women and two per day for men. Also, stop binge drinking on the weekends.
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4. Canned Goods
It’s not the food itself that is the problem, but the BPA cans are lined with. Bisphenol A is a suspected carcinogen and hormone disruptor, which can weaken the immune system. Cook fresh foods, or buy fruits and veggies in glass bottles. This is another great reason to learn to can your own fresh fruits and veggies. It might still be called “canning,” but glass Mason jars are used. Your food will be preservative free, sugar free, and BPA free.
5. Lack of Sleep
Sleep deprivation is a serious problem in the USA, mainly because many businesses see working overtime as a virtue. These businesses really don’t care about your health- they are only thinking about their increasing profits if they can get you to work longer hours. A lack of sleep causes many health concerns but did you know that not getting your Z’s greatly reduces the number of disease-fighting antibodies you have in your blood? This makes you very vulnerable to disease and viruses such as the influenza and cold virus.
6. Pesticides
Although no one likes their house crawling with ants or roaches and pesticides do seem like a quick fix, regular use of toxic pesticides have been linked to autoimmune problems. Chemical companies use pretty-smelling perfumes so you won’t realize you are poisoning yourself along with those ants. There are plenty of natural ways to deal with pests, so ditch the spray and the bugs without ditching your immune system.
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7. Antibacterial Soaps
Most people think using these sounds like such a great idea, but scientists have found out that they really aren’t what they seem. First, they cause bacteria to become resistant to antibiotics and other cleaners. Also, they have been linked to an increased risk of developing serious allergies. The major contributor here is an ingredient called triclosan. Besides the problems mentioned previously, it’s also a known hormone disruptor. Read the label carefully and only purchase soaps without triclosan.
8. Dehydration
Most people don’t think of dehydration as a problem for your immune system, but it is. Your immune system, in fact every single system in your body, must have sufficient amounts of water to function properly. Even your blood will not flow correctly, nor will it have a sufficient amount of blood cells if you are not drinking enough water. You know you need it, so no more excuses. Add a twist of lemon or lime and drink up (Water, we mean!)
9. Stress
In today’s world it’s impossible to avoid all stress, but everyone can cut back on their stress levels and learn ways to deal with it. Prostaglandins are hormone-like messengers that support that immune system. They are anti-inflammatories, help stop the over thickening of blood, and dilate your blood vessels. Chronic stress raises your cortisol levels, which decreases your production of those good prostaglandins. Practice ways of reducing your stress through meditation, yoga, and some good old fashioned daily belly laughs.
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10. Teflon
Those non-stick pots and pans certainly do make clean up easier, no doubt about it, but you pay for that convenience with your health. The substances that make up the non-stick part of your cookware are known carcinogens that can even kill your pet bird if you heat them too high. Ditch the Teflon for cast iron, copper, or ceramic cookware.
11. Air Pollution
Most people think of air pollution as something that comes only from cars and industrial factories, when the truth is, most air pollution is right in our own homes. Chemical cleaners, aerosol propellants, and a chemical known as PAC, or polycyclic aromatic compounds, which are in most air fresheners, beauty products, and even laundry soap. These are known to interrupt hormones as well as weaken the immune system.
SEE ALSO: 10 Ways You Are Ruining Your Immune System
12. Processed Foods
All processed foods contain too little nutrients, and too many things that simply trample on your immune system such as; artificial colors, flavors, chemicals to make them softer or firmer, preservatives, sugars, excessive salt, GMO foodstuffs, and even plastic! Plastic should never be confused with real food, friends. Eat a plant based diet loaded with healthy fats such as nuts and avocados, real butter and raw dairy products, for the best health, as well as the best immune system of your life!