Top Home Remedies for Toenail Fungus That Really Work!

Natural Cleaners

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When you hear the words “toenail fungus” what is the first thing that pops into your mind? Yeah, not a pretty picture is it? Not only is toenail fungus ugly as sin, it actually can be dangerous if left untreated. There are numerous methods used to get rid of this problem, but most of them involve pain or dangerous side effects such as blisters, dizziness, hives, difficulty breathing, and even liver damage. It’s true – some of the prescription medications to remove this fungus can cause liver damage! On top of this, there is no guarantee that any of these methods will remove the fungus permanently. Some options, such as removal of the nails, are both expensive and painful, so before you go that route, think twice. There are plenty of other methods for killing toenail fungus that are completely natural and won’t harm your health.

As expected, the best methods of killing fungus are use natural ingredients. By natural ingredients we are talking about things such as essential oils and vinegar; things that Mother Nature designed, not man-made chemicals that fill our bodies with toxic ingredients.

Toenail fungus is ugly and no fun for anyone who has it. Even if you want to hide those black, thickened, twisted toenails under socks and shoes all your life, which you could do, let’s be honest, who wants to deal with the pain? And why should you?  We have searched for the best home remedies that are known to work well at killing off that ugly fungus that ruins your toenails and causes you to invest in plenty of socks.

There are several ways to contract this growth: abnormal pH of the skin, wearing synthetic socks that don’t breathe, sweat buildup inside shoes, poor quality shoes such as those made of plastic, poor foot hygiene, weak circulation, continuous exposure to moisture, and a compromised immune system.

Let’s not talk about that ugly fungus any longer! Let’s focus on the easy, natural means you can use to get rid of it! Keep reading to find out the top methods you can use so you can have beautiful toenails that will have you buying new sandals by summertime!


1. Lemon Juice

Yep, something as simple as lemon juice can work like a charm. The juice from lemons has both antiseptic and antifungal properties. The citric acid stops the fungus from spreading, too. Simply squeeze some lemon juice over the nail and allow to sit for about 30 minutes. Be sure you get some of the juice under the nail. After 30 minutes, simply rinse off the juice. This will take some time, but doing this every day will kill off the fungus. You should start to see a noticeable difference in about 4 to 6 weeks, but don’t stop until there is absolutely no more evidence of fungus!


2. Mouthwash

Many people claim Listerine is the best brand to use, but most likely any brand that contains alcohol will do the trick. If mouthwash can kill bacteria and germs in the mouth, it should do a good job with toenail fungus as well. There are two popular methods.

1. Fill a small bowl with the mouthwash and soak for 30 minutes. Scrub the toenails to be sure it gets under the nail. Rinse.

2. Fill as small bowl with a 50/50 mixture of mouthwash and white vinegar. Follow the same steps as above.


3. Garlic Oil

Garlic is known to contain antifungal properties that can kill toenail fungus. Mix one tablespoon of garlic oil with one tablespoon of vinegar. Spread on the infected toes each night before bed and wear some socks to prevent it from getting on your bedding. Rinse your feet each morning.

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Apple Cider Vinegar

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4. Apple Cider Vinegar

One of the oldest and best home remedies for toenail fungus. Some people say that you can simply pour it directly on the toenail and allow to dry. Others say that you should mix one part apple cider vinegar with one part Epsom salt and six parts of hot water. When the water is warm, but not hot, soak your feet for 30 minutes, then rinse.


5. Coconut Oil

One of the ingredients in coconut oil, caprylic acid, has the ability to penetrate the cell wall of fungi. Without its protective coating, the fungus dies. Apply a thin layer of coconut oil to the infected nail and allow it to soak in for 15 to 30 minutes.  Do this at least once per day, but twice per day will work much faster. Find out other uses of coconut oil.


6. Lavender Oil

Lavender oil is another essential oil that has anti-fungal properties that make it perfect for mild cases of toenail fungus. Apply two or three drops of lavender essential oil to the infected nail each night and cover your feet with some socks. Wear only cotton or wool socks, however, so your feet can breathe.

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Close-up Of Baking Soda In A Glass Jar.

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7. Oregano Oil

This is another herb that is loaded with anti-fungal properties. Mix two or three drops of oregano oil into a carrier oil, such as olive oil or sweet almond oil, and rub it into the affected nail. You can leave it on or rinse it off after 30 minutes. Do this twice per day.


8. White Vinegar

This is one of the oldest home remedies around. White vinegar will not only kill the fungus, but it will restore the natural pH of your skin. Read more about uses of vinegar. In a pot or bowl large enough to place your toes in, mix one part white vinegar with two parts warm water. Soak your nails in this solution for 15 minutes. Rinse and dry your feet well. Do this at least once per day, but twice per day would be better. Repeat daily until the fungus is completely gone.


9. Baking Soda and Borax

Fungus needs an acidic environment in order to live, so using alkaline baking soda will stop the fungus from spreading. Borax is a natural mineral that is a powerful fungicide. The combination of these two minerals will create a remedy that kills toenail fungus quickly. Mix equal parts of baking soda and borax with just enough water to make a paste. Wet your toes and rub this paste into the affected toenails. Do this twice per day. This method is known to work super-fast!

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10. Orange Oil

Orange oil is a natural anti-fungal that works wonders when it comes to killing toenail fungus. Use a dropper and apply two or three drops of orange essential oil to the infected nails. Be sure to rub some in-between the toes and into the surround tissue so the fungus doesn’t move from one toe to another. For some people with sensitive skin, using orange oil undiluted irritates their skin. If this happens to you, dilute it with a one to one ratio of a carrier oil such as almond oil or olive oil.


11. Olive Leaf Extract

This is a terrific option for killing toenail fungus. This option works from the inside out. Take olive leaf extract as a supplement. It has powerful anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and anti-viral compounds, so it can not only kill that fungus, but it might help stop you from catching a cold or flu this winter!

Olive leaf is also a strong body detoxifier, so if you are not used to consuming it, you might find you feel some discomfort for a few days while your body becomes accustomed to it and removes toxins. If you feel too uncomfortable, lower your dosage for a few days until you start to feel more normal.


SEE ALSO: How to Naturally Remove Skin Tags: 7 Super Cheap Home Remedies

12. Tea Tree Oil

Tea tree oil is both a powerful antiseptic as well as a fungicidal. To use tea tree oil, first wash your feet, and then apply some rubbing alcohol to the affected nails. Once your feet are dry, apply a few drops of undiluted tea tree oil directly to the nail. After 10 or 15 minutes, scrub the top of the nail with an old toothbrush. Repeat daily until there is no more sign of infection.

The effectiveness and speed of these natural remedies will depend a great deal on their proper application and the frequency with which they are used. Most of these remedies take 4 to 6 weeks to see results so be patient. With some persistence, and patience, your toenail fungus should be history by the time summer rolls around.



One Comment

  1. Milica Vukovic

    Jun 29, 2017 at 6:10 am

    Thanks for the great article.

    I’ll put these great toenail fungus tips to work right away.

    Another thing that is really helping me overcome my toenail fungus is this:


    Thanks again!