Top Ways To Get Rid Of Stretch Marks

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Both men and women are prone to stretch marks and they usually occur in puberty when the body goes through sudden growth spurts or gains weight at a quicker rate than usual. This in turn causes the skin to become overstretched and the normal production of collagen, the protein that forms the connective tissue in your skin, is disrupted. This process forms scars known as stretch marks. For this reason, stretch marks are also very common during pregnancy and in the world of bodybuilding where people build muscle mass at a rapid rate and the skin cannot keep up with the growth.

So, while they are perfectly natural, stretch marks are nonetheless quite a burden for many guys and gals who become ashamed of them and whose confidence and self-esteem can drop as a result. But never fear, for there are surgical and non-surgical ways of reducing the appearance of those pesky stretch marks, so let’s explore them!


1. Cocoa butter

Top of the list is one of the most natural stretch marks solutions straight from Mother Nature herself. Cocoa butter is extremely rich in skin-loving vitamin E, which actually boosts collagen and elastin production in the skin as well as promotes the skin’s healing properties. These two factors are highly important in reducing the visibility of stretch marks. Not only that, but it provides amazing levels of moisture to the upper layer of the skin. This is known to diminish the appearance of scars.


2. Bio-oil

Bio-oil is an ever-popular treatment for stretch marks and other types of scars, with people round the world raving about it, and for good reason. This product contains a wealth of amazing ingredients including chamomile oil, rosemary oil, lavender oil, vitamins E and A, and, the key ingredient PurCellin oil. This gives it that super lightweight feel which many other body oils lack. Bio-oil works on all types of scars by deeply moisturising the skin and increasing the skin’s natural elasticity, making it highly effective not just on stretch marks but also acne scars, blemishes, and wrinkles.

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