Water, Coffee, Sugar…. Fatal Doses Of The Most Common Products

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The truth is that you would die of water toxicity from all those cups long before the caffeine got you

While water is absolutely necessary to keep you alive, too much can have the opposite effect overworking your kidneys and bladder, and even causing swelling in the brain. According to a video produced by the American Chemistry Society, the LD-50 of water is around 6 liters of water for someone weighing 165 pounds.


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But what about everyone’s favorite vice, sugar?

Once again, the American Chemistry Society has the answer. According to their research, the LD-50 for sugar is 13.5 grams per pound of bodyweight. The average American weighs 180 pounds, which would require eating 5.4 pounds of sugar in one sitting to reach the medical lethal dose. While this is probably not physically possible, there is no doubt that sugar consumption in general is quite unhealthy and over time will have deleterious effects on health. Try to limit your consumption as much as possible.





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