Why Is Butter Better?

Photo credit: bigstockphoto.com

For more than 50 years, butter has been recognized as the bad guy as far as foods are concerned. For most people, it is one of the first things eliminated when trying to lose weight and opting for the heart healthy route. They avoid it so that they won’t have to worry about their arteries getting clogged. But the scientific views have changed over the past half a century, and the news is that butter has gotten better for us.

Now, that being said, you shouldn’t slather the rich condiment all over everything you eat. However, it does mean that butter is much better for you than all the fake ingredients in butter substitutes and margarine. The changes are a result of the way cows are fed now. As farmers raise their animals on grass (as opposed to grains and corn), the animals are leaner and produce healthier byproducts.


1. It can protect you from cancer

Butter contains vitamins D and A. Besides increasing your immune system, the vitamins in butter help to eliminate the growth of cancer cells and help produce more red blood cells. These vitamins are both fat soluble, so just adding a tablespoon of butter to your toast in the morning gives you two percent of your daily values of both vitamins. Because of its fat content, butter is able to help your body absorb the nutrients better.


2. It is rich in vitamin A

Vitamin A is an important nutrient for our bodies. For example, the adrenal glands and thyroid need it to function properly. With this in place, butter ultimately helps the cardiovascular system.


3. Butter can prevent your teeth from decaying

Butter that comes from grass-fed cows consists of fat-soluble vitamins. These vitamins include D, A, and calcium. Because butter has such high levels of these vitamins, it surpasses the amount found in margarine or olive oil. The natural calcium in butter strengthens your teeth and reduces the risk of developing cavities.

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