Are Women’s Hearts More Affected By Stress?

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Regular exercise is one the best places to start. So many problems are linked to a sedentary lifestyle. Our bodies are designed to move, and when we’re sitting down all the time, whether for work or just relaxing, we are doing something unnatural even though it might not feel that way. It has already been well established that exercise can reduce blood pressure and improve cardiovascular endurance. But exercise is also especially good for reducing constriction in blood vessels because it actually causes the opposite to happen: When you are engaged in cardio or resistance training such as running or lifting weights, your blood vessels are actually dilating in order to better facilitate the flow of blood to your muscles.


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But of course, myocardial ischemia is really a symptom rather than the cause of the issue. The real culprit here is stress. Women, especially as they get older, should take steps to do what they can to reduce stress in their lives, and find healthy ways to respond to it. Consider taking up yoga or mediation because these are proven systems for reducing the mental physiological symptoms of stress which have stood the test of time. It’s also important to clearly identify issues, people and behaviors which may be contributing to the stress.

Everyone’s situation is different, but following these general guidelines can help women to reduce their risk of stress-induced heart disease.


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