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14 Things to Get Rid of If you Want to be Happy

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If you were given a magical trash can today and told that if you threw away 10 stress causing things that you would experience true happiness, what you do? What would you be willing to toss? Too many of us hold onto things that only cause us pain. Why? There are numerous answers to that question but some of us hold onto things because we were taught to do so, or perhaps we have our identity tightly wrapped up in that painful thing and if we let go of it, what would we be? Still others feel a sense of control and still more are afraid of what might happen.
It’s time to release these things and make room for the happiness you deserve. Take a look at the top 14 things most people simply can’t seem to let go of.
1. Control
You might be shaking your head right now and thinking “ I’m not a control freak.” The truth is, however, almost everyone is to one extent or another. This isn’t always a bad thing. Paying your bills on time gives people a sense of control. However, feeling responsible for everything and everyone around you is not a healthy feeling of control. This might be shocking for you to hear but the truth is that the world does not revolve around you. Helping and supporting others is a wonderful thing but if it’s beginning to cause you stress then you need to let it go. Trust that there is a greater force helping them and that they will be supported just as you are supported by that greater life force.
2. Forget about being perfect
You need to toss out those words “perfect” and “good”. It’s OK to mess up sometimes. It’s OK to not have it all together. It’s OK to sometimes go a little crazy. It happens to everyone and it’s not the end of the world.
3. Get rid of the need to please everyone
You can’t possibly please everyone anyway, so why try?
4. You don’t need to explain yourself
Feel free to say NO anytime you wish. If something doesn’t feel right, if there is something you don’t want to do, someplace you don’t want to go, just say NO. You don’t have to explain to anyone why you can’t or won’t or don’t want to do anything.
SEE ALSO: 10 Surprising Habits That Rob You of Happiness
5. You don’t have to reply to everything
Are emails, text messages, and phone calls taking over your life? Listen; there is no law that says you must be available 24/7 or that you must answer every communication in minutes. Answer when it suits you. No one ever died because their text message about Friday night’s plans didn’t get answered until the next day.
6. Throw out beliefs that don’t work for you
If someone always told you as a child that you sucked at sports, you most likely believed them and repeat that mantra to this very day. “Oh, thanks for inviting me to the company baseball team but I suck at sports.” Sound familiar? Whether it was sports or organizing or fixing cars or cutting hair, it doesn’t matter. Throw out all those beliefs that limit who you are and what you can do.
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7. You don’t need to know every detail
There is a certain mystery to the way life works. Don’t fight it, just embrace it.
8. Forget about needing X to be successful
Too many of us think that if we just had that ONE thing, we would hit it big, be successful, and be important. It’s usually not true. There are always multiple opportunities.
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9. Stop trying to be accepted
No matter how good you are, no matter whom you are or what you do, someone is not going to accept you or like you. That’s just a fact of life and that’s OK. You don’t like everyone, do you? There are plenty of people in this world that will see you for the wonderful you that you are without you having to do a damn thing.
10. Forgo showing yourself off
You are enough just as you are. You don’t need to show off that 4 carat diamond ring to prove you are loved; you don’t need to buy a new BMW to prove you are rich; you don’t need to drop names to prove you are important. You are wonderful just the way you are. Your job is to accept yourself, not show yourself off to others. If they love you, they don’t care about all those things anyway.
Tossing out the things that stress us out is the best way to feel free and light again. When we feel free and light we have a natural sense of expansiveness and a newfound energy. When we find a new source of energy, we do better work and end up helping more people.
11. Stop the blame game
Whether you blame yourself for everything or you are blaming everyone else for everything, forget about it. The blame game is like a giant merry go round that never stops. You can keep pointing your finger but it doesn’t really solve anything, does it? It doesn’t even make you feel better, only angry at the people who are to blame, even if that person is you. Stop playing the blame game and start looking for a solution.
12. Always being available
If you are going through tough times or just need some down time, it’s ok to not attend that party or go out with the girls Saturday night
13. Let go of things that weren’t meant to be
We all know that one person who endlessly mourns for their lost love, the “perfect” partner who dumped them. They talk about them almost every day, even though they’ve been gone for months, or even years, and won’t date because no one can compare.
Many of us are like that about some things. We just can’t let go of things, people, or memories that made us happy at one time but no longer work for us today. This is the day to make that change, friends. You can’t take hold of new things that will make you happy if you are hlding onto things from the past that didn’t work out. Let go of what you thought you wanted and grap the life that is waiting for you. Read also about powerful beliefs that will free you from a life of negativity.
14. Stop visiting the wishing well
Everything you have gone through, every person you have met, everything you have done has lead you up to this very moment in time. So why do you keep visiting the wishing well, wishing for this person, wishing for that job, wishing your life away. What you have today, and who you are today is a priceless gift denied to many. Enjoy it, appreciate it, and love where you are.
Take a few minutes today and make a list of 5 to 10 things you want to let go of. Write them down and then start tossing them out of your life one at a time.
Take a deep breath and feel the lightness and freedom that comes from removing the clutter from your life.