Best Supplements To Take While Pregnant

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Boost Your Metabolism sign with sky background

Today, we would like to tackle the subject of pregnancy supplements. Right off the bat, we want to say that you should NEVER take ANY type of supplement without speaking to your OBGYN first! The suggestions that follow are good ideas for MOST healthy mothers-to-be, but this does not mean that they are suitable for everyone. Please consult with your doctor!

Pregnancy and nursing are important times in a woman’s life, and she needs to not only provide sufficient nutrition for herself, but for her growing baby as well. There are some supplements that pregnant women should avoid while pregnant and while nursing, so be certain that you talk with your doctor before starting any supplement program.

Many women find that adding a few supplements can not only give her baby and her body some added nutrition, but it can actually make pregnancy easier. Some women even say that supplements made their deliver easier!

Every woman is different, and so their nutritional needs will also vary, but generally speaking, the most important factor during this time of a woman’s life is to consume as nutrient-dense a diet as is humanly possible. So keep in mind that while supplements can help add to your diet, they should never be considered a replacement for a healthy diet.

A healthy diet for pregnant women should focus on:

    • Veggies, Veggies, and More Veggies – Especially green veggies! Green vegetables have folates, which are vital for the growth of your baby. Of course, all vegetables are high in various types of nutrients that both mommy and baby need, but eating plenty of them will prevent the constipation that many pregnant women suffer from. After giving birth, a diet rich in vegetables will help make certain that you and baby are getting enough nutrition. You might want to make your new motto: “When in doubt, eat a veggie.”
    • Healthy Fats – one of the great things about being pregnant is that you can feel really good about eating lots of those healthy fats like coconut oil, olive oil, avocados, nuts, coconut products, and healthy, organic meats.
    • High Quality Protein – When it comes to protein, think quality. This means free range poultry and eggs, wild-caught salmon or other small types of seafood such as lobsters, crab, anchovies, and sardines. Organ meats, such as liver, from grass-fed animals are terrific for pregnant women.
    • Probiotics – Your baby will receive their gut bacteria from you once they are born and during the first few months that you are breastfeeding. This is why it is vital that your own gut bacteria are healthy so that you can pass that on to your baby.

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Even though sometimes it feels as if you are eating for three or four, rather than two it can be difficult to consume enough of the necessary nutrients that you need for an easier pregnancy and for a super healthy baby. This is where supplements can come in handy. Read our list, then print it out, and speak with your doctor about which of these might be right for you.


1. Folates

Although your doctor is more than likely prescribing you those prenatal vitamins that contain folate, you want to be certain that what you are consuming is the natural folate, not the synthetic version called folic acid. Folate has been extensively studied during pregnancy, and it is extremely important for preventing neural tube defects and other types of birth defects. Many sources recommend that pregnant women consume as much as 1200 mcg of folate each day. Speak with your doctor about this extremely important supplement. By the way, if you are trying to become pregnant, it is an excellent idea to start taking this supplement right now as some neural tube defects occur during the first four weeks of pregnancy, when you aren’t even aware that you are pregnant yet.


2. Vitamin D3

There have been tons of research lately about the importance of vitamin D in many areas, including pregnancy. Some studies have found that vitamin D not only helps the formation of healthy bones and hormones in the fetus, but it also supports a healthy immune system in Mom. Other studies have found that vitamin D can reduce the risk of some pregnancy-related conditions such as gestational diabetes. Your best source of vitamin D is natural sunlight, of course, but if you can’t get 30 minutes of sunlight on your bare skin for whatever reason, talk with your doctor about consuming 5,000 IU of vitamin D3 each day. You should also be sure that you are getting a multivitamin that also contains vitamin K2 so that your body can use all of that vitamin D.

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3. Coconut Oil

You might be consuming this already, but if you are not, now being the time to start! The recommended dose is two tablespoons each day but it won’t hurt if you also start cooking with it. Add this to your morning coffee, smoothies, or however you like it. Coconut oil supports healthy development of your baby’s brain, naturally supports the immune system, and it also contains many of the same substances that are found in breast milk, so it will support healthy nursing as well.


4. Magnesium

Most Americans are deficient in this very important mineral. A severe magnesium deficiency can cause poor growth of the fetus, a condition called preeclampsia, or even fetal death. Getting enough magnesium can help Mom recover more easily after giving birth and can help the baby get more nutrition via the placenta. Modern farming methods make it almost impossible to get enough magnesium through our diets (if you live near the ocean, take a barefoot stroll in the water for an instant magnesium infusion!), so you should either take an ionic supplement or use magnesium oil on your skin. The maximum recommend dose is 500 mgs but speak with your doctor first.


5. Red Raspberry Leaf Tea

In the third trimester, you might want to think about consuming a cup or two of red raspberry leaf tea each day. Many women swear that this tea not only increased the strength of their contractions, but that it does so with no additional pain! Other women state that drinking this tea shortens the time that they are in labor. Although scientific studies are limited in this area, thousands of women swear by it, so what do you have to lose?


READ ALSO: 12 Mind-Blowing Benefits Of Drinking Coconut Water During Pregnancy


Don’t forget that you still need to get plenty of rest, a bit of exercise, and avoid the ugly cravings for bad food that sometimes pop into your head, such as sodas, sweets, diet sodas, any food or drink with artificial anything. And avoid BPA-lined containers or plastics that contain BPA.

Here is wishing you and your baby a healthy, happy life!

