Natural and Easy Ways to Get Rid of Sties Naturally

Aloe vera plant

Photo credit: bigstock

6. Aloe Vera

You probably have an aloe vera plant in your kitchen for burns, but it also works great for sties. Break off a leaf and squeeze out some of the clear gel. Using a cotton swab, dip it in the gel, and then apply the gel to your sty several times per day. This works amazingly well, with many people stating that it gets rid of sties in less than 36 hours.


7. Tea Bags

You can use old, used tea bags or simply moisten some new ones. Place it over the affected eye and allow it to sit for about 10 minutes. Do this at least twice per day. Be sure to throw out the tea bag when you are done so you don’t re-infect your eye. Use chamomile, dandelion, or green tea bags, as all of these are anti-bacterial.


8. Mint Leaves

If you are lucky enough to have a fresh mint plant, you can use the leaves to help stop the infection in the sty. Crush a couple mint leaves really well and apply as a poultice on your sty. Leave this on your eye for about 5 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Do this twice per day. Reda more about mint leaves uses.


9. Chard Leaf

Wash a chard leaf. Heat it in a small pan with just a little water for about 5 minutes. Drain the liquid and then let it cool. Once it’s no longer boiling hot, but still very warm, place the leaf on the affected eye and leave it on for about 30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Repeat this at least twice per day until the sty disappears. Don’t spread or re-infect yourself by using the same leaves. Always use fresh chard leaves each time you make a poultice.


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10. Spinach

This is another vegetable leaf that works great on sties. Boil a handful of baby spinach, then drain. Mash the leaves just a bit so that they make a sticky poultice. Allow the poultice to sit on the affected eye for about 30 minutes, and then rinse with warm water. Do this at least twice per day. Never reuse the spinach; always throw out the old leaves when you are done and start with a fresh bunch.

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