New Study Shows That Just One Thing Can Cause Premature Death

cow milking facility

Photo credit: bigstock

When milk has been heated to 165 degrees, as it is in the pasteurization process, an important enzyme, called phosphatase, is completely destroyed. This enzyme is important because this is the one that is vital for the absorption of calcium in your body. Phosphatase is the 3rd most prevalent enzyme in raw milk and it’s no surprise that those who drink raw milk have much higher levels of bone density than those who do not. Several studies confirm that both animals and humans who consume raw milk have longer, stronger bones than those who drink pasteurized milk.

Although it’s true that calcium is necessary to build bone, the idea that milk is a beneficial way to do so is outdated. In fact, the fat in milk triggers inflammation in most people, which increases the risk for developing many chronic diseases, such as heart disease and heart attacks.

This does not mean, however, that you don’t need calcium. It simply means you don’t need to get it from pasteurized milk. Raw milk is still the best way to go, however, for vegans and for some people- those who live in large cities, for example- raw milk is just not an option. You can still get calcium from cheese and yogurt, not to mention there are plenty of dark green vegetables that are terrific sources of calcium, along with some nuts, such as almonds. Check out our article about where you can find the best non-dairy sources of calcium.


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One Comment

  1. LYDIA

    Feb 26, 2015 at 7:40 am

    Why isn’t raw milk an option for vegans or people in large cities? And what are the risks of drinking raw milk?