Top Reasons to Go Off Your Diet Today!

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This doesn’t mean that you don’t want to be healthy, of course, but there are plenty of ways to do that rather than dieting. Make a few lifestyle changes to ensure you are doing all you can for your health such as stop smoking, limit alcohol consumption, and get adequate rest.

Incorporate a few good eating habits week by week:

  • Week 1: Add one fruit to your breakfast every morning
  • Week 2: Add a salad or a vegetable to your lunch every day
  • Week 3: Cut your soda  consumption to 1 per day and drink water or tea instead
  • Week4: Take a walk each afternoon after lunch or after dinner every day

That’s it! You can adjust these things as you see fit and make them work around your schedule, but think about changes you can stick with forever and that won’t interrupt your beautiful life. Throw out that scale and don’t look at the clothing sizes. Wear what feels good and makes you look good. Love yourself one small step at a time.


SEE ALSO: 8 Worst Mistakes of the Modern Day Diet


You are beautiful exactly as you are. It’s true.

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