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How to Feel Like a Super Human Every Single Day

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Have you been feeling like you are out of whack lately? That somehow, things in your life have gotten so out of hand that they are no longer in your control and you are out of imbalance? Everyone feels that way from time to time. Your life might be out of whack if you find any of the following are true:
- Eating a great deal of junk food/fast food
- No desire to get out of bed in the morning (even on the weekends)
- Finding it almost impossible to find anything positive in life
- Feeling tired but not wanting to go to sleep
- No interest in doing the things you love
- Distracting yourself with YouTube, Facebook, or movies
- Constantly feeling nervous, unsettled, restless
Sometimes these are signs of depression, but if you have been the anti-depressant route and it hasn’t worked, perhaps you just need to get back to the self-care techniques that will help you put your life back into perspective.
Get yourself back on track with the following techniques and feel like the super human being that you truly are every single day.
1. Look at Contrasts
Get a piece of paper and split it in two columns. On one side, list all of the things in life that you WANT. This includes the things you want to do, the things you want to be, the life you want to live, the places you want to go, etc. In the other column, write the things you DON’T want. People you don’t want to be with, things you don’t want to do, things you don’t want to be, etc. Every day, read one or two items from the want list and focus on making those things manifest in your life. Don’t waste your time or energy on the things in the “don’t want” list.
2. Take Breaks from Social Media
If you are one of those people who sleep with their phone next to them, wake up and check your Facebook, Twitter, or email accounts before you even have coffee, and spend hours getting involved in those tit for tat name calling debates that tend to happen on these social media sites, it’s time to stop. Not only can social media sites be a huge waste of time, they can be pretty depressing as well. Try spending just one morning, or one evening away from social media and see how much better you will start to feel.
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3. Play with Your Pets
If you have time, play with your pets for a few minutes in the morning. Who can have a bad day when you start off your day like that? Or you can play with your pet after work to release stress and put yourself in a better mood.
4. Ask Yourself This Question
When you wake up in the morning, ask yourself “What can I do to make today simply amazing?” Of course, most people would say that they don’t want to go to work and want to lie in bed watching TV all day, but that wouldn’t be amazing, now would it? That would simply be lazy. Think of the things you could do to make yourself feel good today and do them! Although we can’t do everything we would like every day, we have control over our days, and we can do something we like every day.
5. Sweat
You can do a little sweating by getting some exercise or enjoying a hot bath, sauna, steam room or Jacuzzi. This releases toxins, relaxes the body, and makes you feel really good!
6. Do Something Different
Most people get themselves into such a strict routine that they don’t even realize how deep their rut has become. Although routine can be an important way to structure our days and get things accomplished, it can also cause us to become depressed and narrow minded. Do something different, no matter how small. Eat dinner outside, walk in a different park or neighborhood, turn off all the electricity and play board games by candlelight. Shake things up and watch how amazing this makes you feel.
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7. The Fun List
Make a list of the things that make you happy and then do them! Of course we can’t do everything anytime we like, so fill your list with big things (rock climbing) and small things (reading a book) so that no matter what, you can do something that makes you happy every single day!
8. The Food List
In addition to your fun list, write down your favorite foods, whatever those might be, and try to eat at least one of them every single day. To make this work, be sure you choose some big things (roast turkey) and some smaller things (fresh pears) so that no matter how busy your day, you can always find time to eat at least one thing that you really love.
9. Break It Down
Sometimes, we get bogged down by looking at a large task and thinking that it’s simply overwhelming or feeling as if you will never finish because it will be so time consuming. You’ve probably heard this before but that doesn’t make it any less true: take baby steps. Let’s say that you desperately need to clean out and organize your house. You can choose to do this by time or by project.
For example, if time is something you don’t have much of, choose one room or drawer or closet, and set a timer for X number of minutes, whatever it is you have to spare. Even if it’s only 10 minutes, that will be fine. Spend 10 minutes working on that one area. When the timer goes off, stop. Yes, things might be all over the floor but that’s OK. You can pick up those things tomorrow during your next 10 minute session. Alternately, you can work on one project at a time. Even choosing to organize just one drawer, or one closet, or one dresser each day will add up over time. Work on that one area until you are finished and don’t go back to do more until the next day. Little steps like this will add up to big changes over time.
SEE ALSO: Could This One Thing be the Cause of Your Depression?
10. Be Grateful
If you take a moment to look around at others, or at people in other countries, or when you consider the larger problems that there are in the world, you will begin to see just how lucky you really are. Anytime you can’t see the forest for the trees, so to speak, start naming all the things in your life that you are grateful for. Don’t know how to get started? Think of all the things that you would miss if they suddenly disappeared: your spouse, your children, your parents, your home, your dog, your bed, etc. etc. Bet you never realized how many things you have been blessed with in your life.
Your thoughts create your emotions, so make them good thoughts every single day!