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  • How To Fight With Vitamin B-12 Deficiency Infographic
    How To Fight With Vitamin B-12 Deficiency Infographic

    Vitamin B-12 deficiency is like a time bomb! Statistics says that most of people have vitamin B-12 deficiency, though it seems that everyone’s typical ration includes necessary food sources...

  • Wifi - Blue Letters
    WIFI, A Deadly Serious Health Risk

    There is a tradeoff to everything it seems. You can have more fuel efficient cars, but they won’t be as big or as powerful. You can have a great...

  • Sick Woman.Flu.Woman Caught Cold. Sneezing into Tissue. Headache
    12 Health Symptoms You Can’t Afford to Ignore

    It’s fairly obvious to most people that when you are sick, you are sick. Coughing, runny nose, or chest congestion means you have a cold or the flu. Or...

  • measuring scoops of gluten free flours (almond, coconut, teff, flaxseed meal, whole rice, brown rice, buckwheat) wit a text in letterpress wood type
    The 10 Secret Signs You Might Be Gluten Intolerant

    Going gluten free seems to be the latest thing, but it’s much more than just a fad. There are studies showing that more than 55 diseases have been associated...

  • lemons
    10 Uses for the Super Fruit of the 21st Century

    Everyone knows that lemons, although sour, are bright, tasty citrus fruits that liven up everything from plain water to fish, salads to soups. However there are numerous other benefits...

  • Food background
    Top 9 Foods That Cause Inflammation

    Although we don’t think of it in nice terms, inflammation is a completely natural way of answering infection or injury.  However, a chronic state of inflammation is a dangerous...

  • 12 Cancer Causing Food Substitutes

    The American people are becoming more aware of their diets and are looking into the foods that they are eating. They want to know what’s in them, and how...

  • old wooden typesetter box with 16 samples of assorted legumes: green, red and French lentils
    Top 12 Foods that Reduce the Risk of Alzheimer’s

    Alzheimer’s and dementia isn’t a joke and it certainly isn’t a required part of aging like grey hair and wrinkles. There are many things you can do to prevent...

  • Peppermint
    Top 10 Powerful Benefits of Peppermint

    Peppermint has been used since Egyptian times and has been a favorite of many cultures. Now, modern research has proven that this sweet smelling plant also has many health...

  • Coffee & Chocolate
    Top 6 Coffee Alternatives

    So many of us are running on empty, so to speak, going through our days with very little sleep and depending on coffee to get us by. Ok, so...