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  • nap
    The Benefits of a Power Nap

    Have you heard the news? Naps are good for you! Your kindergarten teacher was right after all! Although many people believe that those who take naps are lazy, there...

  • Dieting. Balanced Diet Based On Raw Organic Vegetables
    Simple Juice Mixes that will Cleanse Your Liver

    Everyone depends on their liver to clean toxins from our bodies. Our current lifestyles, packed with so much stress and toxic foods, all wreak havoc on your livers ability...

  • Fresh Ginger Root
    One Extraordinary Spice that Kills Two Common Types of Cancer

    What has anti-inflammatory properties, can stop nausea in its tracks, eliminates excess gas in minutes, has been credited with being an aphrodisiac, and now, in a new study, has...

  • Sex
    10 Great New Reasons to Have Sex More Often!

    Besides feeling good, and being fun, it seems almost everyone knows that there are healthy benefits to having sex. Sex plays an important part in our lives, emotionally, as...

  • Tired business man with head and hands down on laptop
    The 5 Warning Signs of Magnesium Deficiency

    No matter how healthy you may believe your meals are, most Americans have dangerously low magnesium levels. Just as with other vitamins or minerals, if you are lacking in...

  • fibromialgia
    20 Secrets You Should Know about Fibromyalgia

    In the United States, fibromyalgia affects almost 10 million people. This disease is characterized by chronic pain, especially muscle pain, extreme fatigue, depression, and painful, tender pressure points.  Modern...

  • stress relief
    15 Things Every American Must Know

    Americans, the richest people on the face of the earth, with one of the highest standards of living, are also the sickest, fattest, and most unhealthy people on the...

  • water bottle
    7 Shocking Things You Never Knew about Bottled Water

    Bottled water is healthy! Or so some people would want us to believe. Seriously, those pictures on the bottles, the ones showing beautiful mountain streams, or waterfalls, are not...

  • fibromialgia
    8 Common Diseases Caused from a Lack of Vitamin D

    In today’s modern world is it any wonder that many people suffer from a vitamin D deficiency? We use computers inside our homes, watch TV, play our video games,...

  • Organic Apples In Summer Grass
    7 Super Healing Powers of a Humble Apple

    Everyone knows the old adage, an apple a day keeps the doctor away. Well that has never been truer than it is today. Modern doctors bring with them drugs,...