The Dangers Of Heartburn And Acid Reflux Drugs They Never Tell You About

Senior Man With Reflux

Photo credit: bigstock

How can you naturally fight heartburn, acid reflux, and get off the PPIs?

First off, don’t just stop taking PPIs cold turkey, especially if you have been taking them for a long time. PPIs encourage tolerance and dependence, so you need to wean yourself off them slowly; otherwise, you risk some pretty severe pain.

There are numerous natural substances that can help encourage your body to make more stomach acid.

  • Substitute natural Himalayan salt for table salt. Himalayan salt has more than 80 trace minerals that help your stomach to perform naturally.
  • Cabbage juice is another strong stimulant for the production of stomach acid. Try taking two teaspoons of cabbage juice before each meal.
  • Apple cider vinegar will naturally improve the acid content of your stomach. Add one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar to a glass of water and drink once each day.
  • Baking soda is a completely natural substance that can help any pain episodes that you might experience when trying to quit PPIs. One teaspoon in a glass of water can help neutralize stomach acid. Don’t use this regularly, but as an emergency measure, it can’t be beat.
  • Aloe vera juice has been used for ages to treat stomach problems such as pain and indigestion. This is a natural anti-inflammatory that can help stop some of the symptoms of reflux. Drink ¼ to ½ cup of aloe vera juice before every meal.
  • Ginger can block acid and suppress helicobacter pylori. Ginger also stops the formation of ulcers. Drink a cup of ginger tea before or with each meal.
  • Vitamin D is important for just about every function of the body. Increase vitamin D levels through sensible sun exposure or consume a vitamin D3 supplement.
  • Astaxanthin is a very potent antioxidant that was found in several studies to reduce the symptoms of reflux when compared to those who took a placebo. The best results were obtained when a daily dose of 40 mgs was consumed.
  • Slippery elm has been used for ages to help numerous problems. The bark of this tree coats and soothes the throat, mouth, stomach and intestines. Speak with your doctor about the proper dosage for you.
  • Folates or Folic Acid (vitamin B9) has been reported in several studies to reduce the risk of developing acid reflux. A higher consumption of folic acid was found to reduce acid reflux by 40 percent!


READ ALSO: 15 Natural Remedies for Acid Reflux and Ulcers


You don’t have to suffer with acid reflux, indigestion, or heartburn, or be forced to consume PPIs the rest of your life.  Speak with your doctor if you have any concerns, and talk to them about the possible dangers of taking PPIs as well as what other options you would like to try.


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